Thursday, March 06, 2008

Arabic keyboard

Arabic keyboard with arabi/inglesi characters Compro and I sell Veneto I buy and I sell/used Car/Motion used/Camper used/Cd used/used DVD/used used Books/Camper. 28 &euro. - Cherry - Arabic Keyboard with arabi/inglesi characters Poni a question to the author of the announcement or helps us to moderate Vivastreet:... Clicca in order to see the number of tel Clicca here in order to visualize all here the announcements of this category We sell NEW keyboards with compatible arabi/inglesi characters with every computer (do not have the adhesive symbols but they are serigrafati on the keys. The keyboards are bilinguist with Arabic and English characters with Ps2 attack, if necessary supply also the adapter for door USB (7,00 additional cost of Euro). Price: . 28,00 (1 piece) comprised Vat (white woman) Price: . 30,00 (1 piece) comprised Vat (black) PaccoCelere 3 - cost 10 Euro (shipment tracciabile).000. of shopping and many other prizes with Kingolotto. First free lotteria 100% in Italy with every day extraction. Similar announcements in the same region Compro/Vendo Montecchio Precalcino Archive used Computers Montecchio Precalcino Archive Announcements of various categories in the same region we invite to read to You, before conferring Your personal data, the Informative one of which to the art. Informative on the treatment of the personal data to the senses 13 of the Code in matter of protection of the personal data (D. we inform to You, altres?che also the writing of the text of the message (in case contained Its personal data)?bbligatoria in order to have use of of the Service. However Your choice to answer to some announcement categories in the category Personali. could involve the bestowal of suitable sensitive data to reveal the sexual life. Matrix and W3 in any case invite to You to avoid the bestowal of whichever other type of sensitive data. (* * b **) For a reason or purpose merely esemplificativo l.indirizzo Internet (IP) and l.ubicazione dell.apparecchio finish them that it sendes and it receives. 3) Holders, Responsibles and categories of the People in charge - Titular of the treatment of Your personal data?atrix S. with legal situs in Via of the Boscaiola, 26, 20159 Milan. Responsibles thirds party of the same treatment are societ?emini the technological Services S., with legal situs in Cagliari, Via XXIX November and Telecom Italy S., with legal situs in Public square Einaudi, 8 - 20124 inner responsible Milan?iancarlo Vergori, domiciled for load in Via with the Boscaiola, 26, 20159 Milan. The modernized directory of the name Responsibles of the treatment from Matrix?onsultabile S. in the section privacy of Alice, currently you catch up them from the Home Page, to the www address. Your personal data could be deal you from the dependent and/or pertaining collaborators of Matrix, to the functions of Marketing, Redazione and Tecnology. 30 of the Code and have received, with regard to, adapted operating instructions. In relation to the treatment of the personal data that regard to You, you will be able, in every moment, to exercise the rights of which to the art. 7 of the Privacy Code - than for comodit?i we at the bottom bring back the Informative present. writing to Matrix S., via mail all.indirizzo Via of the Boscaiola, 26, 20159 Milan or via email to the e-mail case privacy@matrix. - Other independent Holder of the treatment of Your personal data?3 Inc., with legal situs in PO BOX 173, Road Town, Tortolla, British Virgin Islands. Your personal data could be deal you from the dependent and/or pertaining collaborators of W3, to the functions of Marketing, Sales, Writing, Tecnology. In relation to the treatment of the personal data that regard to You, You will be able, in every moment, to exercise the rights of which to the art. Luca Vavassori, or via email, to the case of e-mail luca@vivastreet. "Article 7 Right of access to the personal data and others diritti.L' interested has straight to obtain the personal confirmation of the existence or less than given that regards it, even if not still records to you, and their communication in intelligible shape. to) of the origin of the personal data. b) of the finalit? modalit?el treatment. c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments. d) of the ends identified you of the holder, the responsibles and the representative designated in the territory of the Italian State, where previewed. to) the modernization, the rectification that is, when it has interest to you, integration of the data. The interested one has straight of opporsi in all or part: to) for legitimate reasons to the treatment of the personal data that regard it, ancorch?ertinenti to the scope of the collection. b) to the treatment of personal data that regard it to fine of shipment of advertising material or direct selling or for the fulfillment of communication or market researches they trades. The exercise of the rights of which over pu?ssere directly practised or conferring, for enrolled, delegation or power of attorney to physical persons or associations. Selecting present the case, it declares to have taken vision of the Informative one over brought back yours mail not sar?iffusa on linens on Internet, but sar?tilizzata from the system in order it only makes you to reach the eventual answers dell.inserzionista I want to receive a copy of this message You render to the inserzionista my address email visible You write the figures that you see here in the image over: Selecting the push-button I ACCEPT, I declare to have read and accepted the following Conditions generate them of use of the service. It marks records to you and distinguished signs are of propriet?ei respect to you titular.) immessi independently from the inserzionisti under their flood and exclusive right responsabilit?La publication of the same ones does not involve the approval or the guaranty from part of n?mplica Matrix some shape of guarantee from part of this last one. Prohibited E' to insert given sensitive, nonch?ati personal of thirds party in absence of authorization of the same ones, to nonch?mmettere/pubblicare foto/immagini of minors.

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